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20 exciting hours, Litres of coffee, food, Great swags, Few prizes,Inspiring talks and Code will create a fusion of technology.

Think you have an incredible idea for spicing up the old keyboard? Invincix invites you to participate in the GenHax 2018 Hackathon. You'll collaborate and compete with like-minded students/drop-outs to come up with an amazing idea to make the tired old keyboard fresh, stimulating and exciting!”

An endeavor to build GENeration
INVINCIble culture
You A

Come showcase your skills and standout! Our evaluation of first round is completely based on the activity and coding skills.

After registration, our panel of experts will go through your profiles on forums like your activities on Github, Behance, Dribble, stack overflow presence. The reason behind being every geek is keen towards learning and sharing. These forums play a great role in scaling up the knowledge of every programmer.

Top teams selected will be intimated via email with the other details of the event. The teams registered but not selected would be intimated as well. Each team must bring their own laptop. Each team member must have atleast one of their own laptops. GenHax will not be providing any laptop or hardware. For IOT related development for prototype, the team members need to get their own hardware as well.

The theme for the Hackathon will be shared on the day of GenHax2k18 i.e. August 18th, 2018 on which the teams have to brainstorm and start the development. GenHax team will be sharing the Clean Coding Convention document to be followed by the participating teams while developing. Proper documentation of the brainstormed application need to be prepared by the teams as it would be a part of evaluation as well.

Evaluation Criteria

1Value, impact & feasibility of the idea

2Documentation & presentation of the application

3Project folder and structure

4Follow of clean code convention

5Continous & proper commit/check into SCM( Git repositories) with proper commit message

GenHax timeline
August 18
GenHax CheckIn

01:00 PM


02:00 PM


03:00 PM


05:30 PM


06:30 PM

Goodies Distribution

09:30 PM


GenHax Winner

02:00 AM

Midnight Snacks

08:00 AM


09:00 AM

Swag Distribution

11:00 AM

Hacking Stops

11:30 AM

Judging Begins

01:00 PM

Prizes Distribution